Madeline Bush

Madeline is an MGD student living in Fort Collins with her spouse and two feline companions. She has a passion for layout work, fining in arranging elements on a page like solving a design puzzle. With every project, Madeline aims to strike a balance between whimsy and purpose, crafting designs that are both visually delightful and effective in communication.
As she develops her skills as a graphic designer, Madeline is always exploring new techniques and styles to push her creative boundaries. Whether she's designing a magazine layout or a website interface, her focus is always on creating designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and easy to use.

Packaging Candle

Packaging Design

17 in x 11 in - Mock Up

Package Design

The Modern Traveler

Book Cover

10 in x 6.67 in

Package Design


Nate Hagelin


Kayla Carroll