2022 MGD Award Recipients


Best Use of Color

We all know color can make or break a piece. Choosing colors to evoke the desired emotion in the viewer is always the goal, but let’s be honest, there are more colors to choose from then there are stars in the sky. The colors in this piece grabbed the viewer’s attention and works well with the design elements. 


Best Use of Illustration

The modern person is exposed to around 5,000 ads per day. These range from posters, flyers, magazines, books, animations, video games and films. Seeing this many images makes the average person somewhat of an expert in the visual field. However, creating illustrations takes a totally different aptitude. This award goes to an individual presenting us with a pioneering design. 

Best Use of Illustration

The modern person is exposed to around 5,000 ads per day. These range from posters, flyers, magazines, books, animations, video games and films. Seeing this many images makes the average person somewhat of an expert in the visual field. However, creating illustrations takes a totally different aptitude. This award goes to an individual presenting us with a pioneering design. 


Best Use of Typography

Typography is our visual voice. The typeface we choose determines the tone we are speaking to the audience. Are our typefaces in ALL CAPS so we are yelling or did we choose italics so it is emphasized? Any student that has taken a design class at FRCC knows the instructors are a stickler for formatting, hyphens, orphans, and widows, which they will spot from a mile away. The formatting in this piece radiates professionalism, attention to detail, a clear grid structure and shows us he is ready for the design world. 

Best Use of Photography

Dorothea Lange, a Depression-era photojournalist, has been quoted saying:“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” This definitive moment of time is forever captured and depicts an element of truth. Designs that incorporate photography have the good fortune of leaning on authenticity to convey a message, however it also poses additional design challenges. This piece has risen to the challenge. 


Best Use of Layout

One of the best ways to ensure that the key messages are delivered to the reader is to create a successful layout. Balance, hierarchy, rule of thirds, use of grid, negative space, scale, contrast, and harmony. These are just a few of the elements needed to create a winning layout. This piece is clean and eye-catching.


Award of Excellence

The word “excellence” means “the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.” Excellence means distinction, superiority, brilliance, and greatness. To stand out and be excellent in this industry, designers must create an amazing piece from concept to execution and all the minute details in-between. This piece stood out to the jurors as a genuine example of excellence. 


Innovation Award

With a department full of creatives, I am sure there is no need to define the term innovation. Designers are problem-solvers. We listen to the challenge, we brainstorm, we sketch, we discuss, and in the end, we deliver unique and innovative solutions. This piece delivers creativity, imagination, and an unexpected innovative concept. 


Best in 3D Award

Creating a 3D representation of an object is a complicated undertaking. Turning it into a remarkable design is a challenge our 3D design students take on everyday. With an amazing mentor and instructor, Dave Robertson, our students get to explore a different career path. We are fortunate to have such a skilled group to create this type of work. This piece stands out as great 3D design.

Best Concept Award

Strategy involves forward thinking and the ability to see the big picture. We all know we can make pretty art, but without a concept, the communication falls short. This piece is a visual representation of a concept that really “works”.


Best Concept Award

Strategy involves forward thinking and the ability to see the big picture. We all know we can make pretty art, but without a concept, the communication falls short. This piece is a visual representation of a concept that really “works”.



Best use of Elements in Film Making Award

There are so many components involved with creating a captivating film. In this video we were captivated with its emotional storyline and timely message.


Best use of Elements in Film Making Award

The second video has a true beginning, middle and end depicted in the story line. The vibe and animations throughout changed the tone, manipulating the audience’s mood. This was a personal story, written and was brought to life through animation.



Creativity Award

Meditative art practices weren’t always part of graphic design. More recently, we have come to embrace the practice of mediation in design. This piece an exploration of bridging contemplation and creativity. 


Creativity Award

As creative people, we strive to find new ways to capture the attention of the viewer. Much like a toy camera sees the world differently, this piece is an unconventional exploration of mixing elements not normally seen together.



Packaging Award

Packaging is simply complicated and challenging. It is also the class where we see the most growth in students. I love the moment students see their finished packaging project and the sense of accomplishment that radiates from their faces. This year we had some amazing packaging projects and although we would love to recognize them all, there was one that stood out to us the most. 


Production Design Award

Production Design encompasses so much more than just design. One must consider paper options, mailing requirements, and of course grabbing the attention of the viewer when the piece ends up in a stack of mail on their counter. This piece was clearly well thought out from start to finish, from concept to mock-up. 



Technical Mastery

Graphic designers are exposed to multiple programs and skills throughout their careers in school and on the job. Technical mastery takes hours of dedication, focus, and just pure patience. This piece grabbed our attention because of the all-around attention to detail, we were captivated. 


Honorable Mention Award

We had so many excellent submissions, we wanted to bring attention to these two pieces that exhibited great design qualities.



Honorable Mention Award

We had so many excellent submissions, we wanted to bring attention to these two pieces that exhibited great design qualities. .

Capstone Curator’s Choice Award

The capstone course is the last class in a program of study. It is called a capstone because it represents a crowning achievement as a capstone does in architecture, the final piece of the puzzle. In addition, to all the coursework and final projects Capstone Students have made the time to collaborate on this exhibit. Additionally, Larissa, Katie, Kathy, and TJ have the honor of selecting a piece from one of their peers to take home this prestigious award. 



Juror’s Choice Award

Have you ever been mesmerized by a piece of art in a museum? These pieces did their job, they grabbed the attention of the audience but not just any audience, the jurors.

Juror’s Choice Award

Have you ever been mesmerized by a piece of art in a museum? These pieces did their job, they grabbed the attention of the audience but not just any audience, the jurors.



MGD Instructor’s Choice Award

What makes us different, is what makes us great. Our unique skills and strengths bring a varied collection of knowledge to this department. These skills can be seen in all the selected work in this exhibit. The MGD Instructor’s Choice Award is an opportunity to select a piece that reaches out and seizes our attention in a profound way. This year’s MGD award piece recognizes an outstanding display of technical illustrator skills and a unique perspective.

Chair’s Choice Award

Each year we ask our Department Chair, Karl Dukstein to select a piece for this award.  This year, he was so impressed with the student work, he picked two!

In this first piece what grabbed Karl’s attention was the great use of an expert use of photography, natural feel, calm rhythm, and a simple and clean composition.



Chair’s Choice Award

Each year we ask our Department Chair, Karl Dukstein to select a piece for this award.  This year, he was so impressed with the student work, he picked two!

This second piece, Karl chose for its well-done layout, it was clear and easy to read but also very fun and visually alive. It had a great use of color and playful fonts.

People’s Choice Award

Envision the red carpet, the paparazzi, a sea of flashing lights… and of course the excitement. 

There may not be a red carpet involved tonight, but the people have spoken! Over 150 votes have been counted and the winner is someone we can all agree upon. This award is being given to a student with an exceptional work ethic and a dedication to learning. This piece shows his understanding of the less is more aesthetic in perfect Swiss style. 



Best in Show Award

Concepts, execution, color, technical skill, attention to detail, commercial appeal and a deep personal connection to the subject all play important roles in the success of this piece.
